Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Diet Dillusions...

This has nothing to do with writing, but February is getting off to a slow start, so I thought I would post something. Why not something funny? Here are some of my favorite diet dillusions:

1. If you think the calories you burn while opening the packaging are enough to justify eating a big slice of pie, you might have diet dillusions.

2. If you think eating small bites means fewer calories, you might have diet dillusions.

3. If you think it's okay to eat entire chocolate cake as long as the rate in between bites is atleast 1 hour, you might have diet dillusions.

4. If you think you can eat whatever want as long as the sun shines over your right shoulder, you might have diet dillusions.

5. If you think dieting is as simple as knowing your colors (stay away from white and bulk up on green), you might have diet dillusions.

On the flipside, here are some DECADENT Diet DOs:

1. Chocolate really is good for you. In small amounts, the flavanoids in dark chocolate cocoa help prevent heart disease.

2. Yogurt contains live cultures that aid in digestion. Yum!

3. Red wine is rich in antioxidants that are good for your heart. But the rule with this one is 1 glass a day with a meal.

Well, thanks for stopping by. I'm working on a BIG project for the blog right now, so come back soon!



Anonymous said...

You forgot one: If you think that drinking a diet soda will neutralize the calories in that double bacon cheeseburger, you might have diet dillusions!

Anonymous said...

I've always made fun of people who drink diet drinks. If you're dieting, should you be drinking soda at all?


Good one, Delia!

Anonymous said...

I mean Linda...sorry...Delia on the brain...

Nathalie said...

I think that chewing gum will make me slim...