Wednesday, July 21, 2010


After much consideration, God nudging at my heart, and even a few sleepless night, I finally "broke" down and started my own blog. I've been following a lot of blogs, and learning tons about the writing craft from the talented authors who own them. There's so much to learn out there. It can be overwhelming. I got to thinking that I can help other authors who are new to the world of publishing make sense of it all. I'm no expert, so who am I to instruct another person in the craft of writing? I figure that if I'm researching a particular topic I wish to write about, I'll be learning as well. And I plan to present what I've learned in a way that will hopefully appeal to a novice writer. Maybe even a lightly seasoned one like me.
Please check out my new blog by clicking on THE COUNTRY AUTHOR link in the left side bar. Leave a comment, if you'd like, and let me know what you think.

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